Sleep Apnea Screening

This month had an article that was on screening for sleep apnea. The article discusses how sleep apnea can’t usually be detected by doctors during routine office visits but screening from your dentist may help.  Recent studies have shown that teeth grinding is a major indicator for obstructive sleep apnea.  Dentists can screen for teeth grinding. The article clarifies that a dentist can tell you definitively if you grind your teeth or not but they do not diagnose sleep apnea. Medical specialists are the only medical providers who can officially diagnose and treat sleep apnea.   The article highlights that sufferers of sleep apnea may never get the benefits of the deep sleep.  Symptoms of untreated sleep apnea include feeling sleepy or tired during waking hours, grinding teeth and snoring.  Sleep apnea is a condition that affects an estimated one in fifteen Americans, but often goes unnoticed.  Sleep apnea can range from mild to severe.  The most common sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. In obstructive sleep apnea the airway is obstructed.  People whose sleep apnea is treated often report that the process has given them their life back.  “Quality of sleep affects most of the things that help us enjoy life: appearance, well-being, outlook on life, energy level, patience, ability to cope with stress and how we interact with loved ones” (Burhenne, 2013).

Contact the Sleep Institute of New England at 603-347-8810 or check our website at for an appointment. Dr. Lynch is triple board certified in Internal, Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine. The Sleep Institute of New England offers not only CPAP to treat sleep apnea but two oral devices the Somnoguard and the TAP where fitting and follow up is all done in our office.

Burhenne, M. (2013). Dental screening that could save your life.  Retrieved April 17, 2013 from

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